Salat-ı Nariye Reading Program

There Is Unreaded 2100 Salatı Nariye On Reading Program
Reading Area of Salat-ı Nariye
User Name | Hatim Count | Date Taken | Is Finished? |
Viktor | 60 | 22.10.2023 | |
ahmet | 10 | 26.12.2022 | |
MuhammedRahim | 25 | 11.4.2022 | |
ekiril | 50 | 5.4.2022 | |
haydarercivan | 2199 | 22.3.2022 |
The list of people taken Salat-ı Nariye reading is listed above. In the rigth column, the check sign is located the readed one and cross sign is for nor readed one.