Belief And Man and Devine Determining | The Twentieth Letter | 44
The Twentieth Letter

In His Name, be He glorified!
And there is nothing but it glorifies Him with praise.
In the Name of God, the Merciful, the Compassionate.
There is no god but God, He is One, He has no partner; His is the dominion and His is the praise; He alone grants life, and deals death, and He is living and dies not; all good is in His hand, He is powerful over all things, and with Him all things have their end.(1)
(1) Bukhari, Adhan 155; Tahajjud 21; ‘Umra 12; Jihad 133; Bad’ al-Khalq 11; Maghazi 29; Da’wat 18, 52; Riqaq 11; I’tisam 3; Muslim, Dhikr 28, 30, 74, 75, 76; Witr 24; Jihad 158; Adab 101; Tirmidhi, Mawaqit 108; Hajj 104; Da’wat 35, 36; Nasa’i, Sahw 83-6; Manasik 163, 170; Iman 12; Ibn Maja, Tijara 40; Manasik 84; Adab 58; Du’a 10, 14, 16; Abu Da’ud, Manasik 56; Darimi, Salat 88, 90; Manasik 34; Isti’dhan 53, 57; Muwatta’, Hajj 127, 243; Qur’an 20, 22; Musnad i, 47; ii, 5; iii, 320; iv, 4; v, 191; al-Hakim, al-Mustadrak i, 538.
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