Man And the Universe | The Thirtieth Word | 13
The Thirtieth Word

[This Word explains the talisman of creation by solving an important talisman of the All-Wise Qur’an. It is an explanation of ‘Ene’1 and ‘Zerre’ 2 to the extent of an ‘Alif’ 3 and a ‘Point’ 4 It consists of two Aims. The first of these concerns the nature and result of the human ‘I’, and the second, the motion and duties of minute particles.]

1 The Turkish for ‘I’ or ‘ego’. To avoid confusion with other interpretations, ‘ene’ has been translated throughout as the ‘I’, and ‘enaniyet’ as ‘I-ness’. [Tr.]
2 The Turkish for a mote, atom, or particle. [Tr.]
3 The first letter of the Arabic alphabet consisting of a vertical stroke, (I). [Tr.]
4 The equivalent of the dot in English, also indicating a small quantity. [Tr.]

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