Biography of Bediüzzaman Said Nursi | PART ONE - The Old Said | 117




• Bediuzzaman Heads East

Bediuzzaman did not remain long in Istanbul after his acquittal. He set off for the East by way of the Black Sea accompanied by two of his students. It was the spring of 1910. It is recorded that on the way, the boat stopped off at Inebolu, and on visiting the town Bediuzzaman had a warm reception from its leading religious figure, Haci Ziya, and others. And on leaving, was accompanied as far as the boat by a large crowd.' And Bediuzzaman himself related the following incident, which occurred in Tiflis, the capital city of Georgia, while he was making his way from Batum to Van.

Bediuzzaman had climbed a prominent hill known as Seyh Sanan Tepesi, which has a commanding view of the city of Tiflis and the valley of the River Kura in which it is situated together with all the surrounding countryside. He was gazing at the view plunged in thought when approached by a Russian policeman. The following exchange ensued, which began with the policeman asking:

"Why are you studying the land with such attention?" Bediuzzaman replied: "I am planning my medrese."

"Where arc you from?"

"I'm from Bitlis."

"But this is Tiflis!"

"Bitlis is one of Tiflis' brothers."

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