Biography of Bediüzzaman Said Nursi | PART ONE - The Old Said | 34
wrote: "My predecessors in this matter are Seyh Cemaleddin Afgani, the great scholar and Mufti of Egypt Muhammed Abduh, the extremist scholar Ali Suavi, Hoca Tahsin, and Namik Kemal, who took Islamic Unity as his aim...."
It is recorded that it was during this stay in Mardin that Molla Said first engaged in politics. Although it is not clear precisely what is meant by this, the above probably provide the clue, especially when considered in the light of Bediuzzaman's later activities in Istanbul. In any event, the Governor, Mutasarrif Nadir Bey, saw fit to intervene, and expelled him from the town, sending  him to Bitlis under armed guard.
The task was to prove an unusual one for the two gendarmes, Savurlu Mehmed Fatih and his friend Ibrahim, assigned to deliver Molla Said to the Governor of Bitlis. The story of it became well-known in the region. They set out on the journey, Said riding with both his hands and feet bound with iron fetters. While they were in the vicinity of a village called Ahmedi, the time for the obligatory prayers came round. Said asked the gendarmes to unfasten his bonds so that he could pray, but they refused, frightened he would try to escape. Where upon, Said the Famous undid the fetters, dismounted from his horse, took his ablutions from a stream, and performed the prayers under the astonished gazes of the two gendarmes. Recognizing his unusual powers, they said to him when he had finished: “Up to now we were your guards, but from now on we shall be your servants.” But Molla Said merely requested them to do their duty.
When asked at a later date how this had occurred, he replied: "I myself do not know, but at the most it was a miracle of the prayers."
And on another occasion Bediuzzaman replied: "...I am not a sorcerer, I am not a conjurer. I was someone who had taken the Holy Qur'an as his guide, and had turned toward God. In truth such an event happened to me. I faced the Kible, uttered a prayer, and then
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