Biography of Bediüzzaman Said Nursi | PART ONE - The Old Said | 42
Anatolia, Bediuzzaman had seen that such an educational establishment was essential not only for combating the widespread ignorance and backwardness of the region, but also as a solution for its other social and political problems. Bediuzzaman's ideas concerning education are discussed in greater detail in a subsequent chapter.
As a patron of learning, Tahir Pasa's residence was a place where learned discussions in all fields were held. On one such occasion, Tahir Pasa said with the intention of slighting the Maliki school of law, "Dogs (kelb) are considered unclean the same as pigs, are they not?" Molla Said replied:
"According to the Maliki school, dogs are clean (kelb tahir-dir). But Tahir is not a dog (Tahir kelb degildir)." Thus with a witty pun, he was able to both gently rebuke Tahir Pasa and conciliate him. As for Tahir Pasa, he was delighted with both the explanation and the `fetva'.
Tahir Pasa used to study scholarly books from Europe and prepare questions to ask Bediuzzaman. Despite the fact that it was only now that Bediuzzaman was learning Turkish, he would give the answers unhesitatingly. If he saw some books on a table or somewhere, he understood that Tahir Pasa was compiling some questions, and would quickly read the books and learn their contents.
Bediuzzaman used to spend the summer months in the high pastures of Basid, Ferashin, and Beytussebab. On a previous occasion he had told Tahir Pasa that there was snow on these mountains even in July. Tahir Pasa had objected, declaring that there was definitely no snow there in July. Recalling this exchange while up in the mountains, Bediuzzaman wrote his first letter in Turkish to Tahir Pasa:
"Pasa! There is snow on the mountain tops at Basid. You should not deny what you have not seen! Everything is not restricted to what you know! Vesselam!"
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