Biography of Bediüzzaman Said Nursi | PART ONE - The Old Said | 94

Bediuzzaman in argument and debate, asked Seyh Bahid if he would be prepared to meet him. The Seyh accepted, and an opportunity was found one day after the prayers in Aya Sophia. Bediuzzaman was seated in a tea-house. Other ulema also being present, Seyh Bahid approached Bediuzzaman, and put the following question to him:
"What is your opinion concerning Freedom and the Ottoman State, and European civilization?"
Bediuzzaman's unhesitating reply revealed his realism and insight.
"The Ottoman State is pregnant with Europe, and it will give birth to an
European state one day. And Europe is pregnant with Islam; one day it will give birth to an Islamic state."
Seyh Bahid applauded this answer.
"One cannot argue with this young man", he said. "I am of the same opinion myself. But only Bediuzzaman could express it so succinctly and eloquently."

• Bediuzzaman Maintains Public Order

As the great effusion of optimism at the coming of Freedom was transformed into disillusion and views and parties became more polarized, the situation generally became increasingly volatile and unstable. Thus, in order that constitutionalism could become established and its benefits be obtained, Bediuzzaman did whatever he could to maintain public order and harmony. There are many examples, such as the following.
The first major blows to the Empire under the new regime occurred soon after the Constitution was proclaimed. On 5 October , 1908, Austria annexed Bosnia-Herzegovina, and Bulgaria proclaimed independence, while on the 6th, Greece annexed Crete. In response to this, on the l 0 th October, the people of Istanbul declared a boycott on all Austrian goods and the places where they were sold. The twenty thousand or so Kurdish porters on whom the commercial life of Istanbul depended defied their foremen and were

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