Biography of Bediüzzaman Said Nursi | PART TWO ( THE NEW SAID ) | 249

Friday Prayers and in the company of several other tribal leaders and notables. Ali Çavus describes how together with the Deputy for Çaldiran, Hasan Bey, and three others he again tried to obtain Bediuzzaman's support. The Governor of Van was alarned by the visit of these chiefs and on the pretext of a burial service also attended the prayers at the mosque. But his alarm turned out to be needless, for on them admitting to their intention of joining the revolt, Bediuzzaman told them:
"Where has the idea of serving this cause come from, I wonder? I ask you. Is it the Seriat you want? But such an action is absolutely opposed to the Seriat. There is very great likelihood of its being the tool to the foreigners' provocations. The Seriat can't be contravened by making it a tool and saying: `We want the Seriat.' The Seriat can't be demanded like that. The key to the Seriat is with me. Now, all of you return to your own homes and places!.."
When he had finished speaking, Bediuzzaman rose to his feet and returned to Mount Erek. As for Kör Hüseyin Pasa and the tribal leaders, they heeded his warnings and did not join the revolt, which meant too that Van and its people were not forced to join it and thousands of lives were thus saved. Many others testify to this fact.
As was mentioned above, Seyh Said wrote in person to Bediuzzaman requesting him to join the movement, for if he did so the would be "victorious". Bediuzzaman replied as follows:
"The Turkish nation has acted as the standard-bearer of Islam for centuries. It has produced many saints and given many martyrs. The sword may not be drawn against the sons of such a nation. We are Muslims , we are their brothers, we may not make brother fight brother. It is not permissible according to the Seriat. The sword is to be drawn against external enemies, it may not be used internally. Our only salvation at this time is to offer illumination and guidance through the truths of the Qur'an and belief; it is to get rid of our greatest enemy, ignorance. Give up this attempt of yours, for it will be fruitless. Thousands of innocent men and women may perish on

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