Biography of Bediüzzaman Said Nursi | PART TWO ( THE NEW SAID ) | 259

And the partridges took off and started to fly over our heads following us.
"I slung my rifle over my left shoulder and took Hoca Efendi's left arm. We climbed the hill slowly and after walking for about an hour came to Barla. The partridges which had taken off from the shore remained above us as far as Barla. They kept flying round above us.
"Evening had drawn close. We stopped at the police station beside the Ak Mescid in Barla. The head official of the district, Bahri Baba, and the chief of the police station were there. I handed Bediuzzaman Efendi over to them and got them to sign the papers. After spending the night there I returned to Egridir in the morning."

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