Biography of Bediüzzaman Said Nursi | PART TWO ( THE NEW SAID ) | 269

government officials. It happened that this coincided with moves in government circles to officially inculcate ideas denying bodily resurrection in the 'Turkish people.' Bediuzzaman later described this as follows:
The Council for Education had met in Ankara in order to discuss their programme for uprooting religious ideas and imposing their atheistic views on school children and students. They decided that this should be carried out through the teaching of philosophy and denial of the resurrection of the dead. A short time after this meeting, one of the members of the Council encountered a Deputy who had with him a copy of Bediuzzaman's treatise at the door of the Assembly. He spotted the book and told the deputy: "Said Nursi is receiving information about our work and is writing works to counteract it." Kazim Karabekir Pasa informed Bediuzzaman of this. But Bediuzzaman explained it like this:
"I had received no such information, that the Council for Education had taken that decision. Rather, Almighty God bestowed the Treatise on Resurrection on me on account of their decision. I did not write it out of my own desire or at my own whim. It was written as a consequence of need."'
This was an instance of an extraordinary property associated with the Qur'an and which was manifested particularly in the Tenth Word, and in other parts of the Risale-i Nur, which may be mentioned briefly at this point, and that is what is known as `tevafuk', that is, `coinciding' or `agreement'. This consists of the coinciding of events or more usually of certain letters or words in written copies of these works. The most well-known is the Divine Name of `Allah' in copies of the Qur'an written according to the pagination of Hafiz Osman, which on some pages takes up positions forming vertical lines or other patterns. It is a most striking and clear indication of its miraculous nature. In regard to the Risale-i Nur, Bediuzzaman wrote:
"My brothers! We are in need of truly great moral strength in the face of misguidance and heedlessness at this time. But regrettably, I personally am extremely weak and bankrupt, I do not

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