Biography of Bediüzzaman Said Nursi | PART TWO ( THE NEW SAID ) | 280

He even wrote in his letter: `Send me twenty or thirty treatises and I'll write twenty or thirty copies of each and get others to write them.'....
"He had obtained a copy of the Tenth Word on belief in the Hereafter before writing the letter. It was as if the treatise had been a remedy for him curing all the spiritual wounds he had received during those six or seven years. He then wrote the letter to me as if he was awaiting his death with a truly strong and shining belief. One or two months later while thinking of once again passing a happy worldly life by means of Abdurrahman, alas, I suddenly received news of his death. I was so shaken by the news that five years later I am still under the effect of it.... Half of my private world had died with the death of my mother, and now with Abdurrahman's death, the other half died. My ties with the world were now completely cut...."
Once again Bediuzzaman found consolation through the Qur'an, this time through the meaning of the verse: Everything shall perish save His countenance; His is the command, and to Him shall you return, and the phrase. "The Etemal One, He is the Etemal One". And Bediuzzaman completes this piece, taken from his Treatise for the Elderly, by saying that Almighty God gave him thirty Abdurrahman's in place of the one He had taken.
The most important of these new students was Hulûsi Yahyagil, who first visited Bediuzzaman a year or so after Abdurrahman's death. Another was Kuleönlü Mustafa, whom Bediuzzaman found waiting for him when he returned home to Barla after hearing the news. There were also a number of army officers, besides Hulûsi Bey. One of these was Re'fet Bey, a retired captain, another was Colonel Asim Bey, who died under interrogation in Isparta in 1935 when Bediuzzaman and over a hundred of his students were rounded up and arrested. There was also `Santral Sabri', the `jetty

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