Biography of Bediüzzaman Said Nursi | PART TWO ( THE NEW SAID ) | 284

makes the important point that at that time when the medreses had been closed and the people were deprived of any opportunity of learning Arabic, the language in which all leaching of religion had been carried out, the Risale-i Nur now took the place of the medreses, Leaching the truths of belief and the Qur'an both in Turkish and in a way suitable for their needs.
" My Revered Master!
"...My spirit was searching for a perfect guide, and while searching it was imparted to me, `You are seeking the guide far away, while close by there is Bediuzzaman. His Risale-i Nur is like a regenerator. It is both the spiritual pole, and the Zu’l-Karneyn, and the deputy of Jesus (upon whom be peace), who is to come at the end of time; that is to say, it brings the good news of him.' Whereupon I approached the respected Master. He gave me the order to write out the treatises. So I wrote out fifteen or so of The Words and I am reading them... I began to benefit from them immensely... Eventually young people gathered around me...
"My Esteemed Master! 'The treatises cure the material and spiritual wounds of these hundred friends of mine.. Sometimes even those from far off are submerged in doubts and they come here; if this impotent student of yours reads a treatise to them, their doubts are dispelled and disappear...
"This impotent student of yours never studied Arabic nor saw the inside of a medrese. He used to read books in Turkish written long ago and could find no remedy to cure his material and spiritual wounds.... [But] just as Almighty God creates a Paradise-like time in a Hell-like time, and creates solutions appropriate for each time and bestows remedies appropriate for each wound, so too in this time of ours which lacks medreses He is causing the treatises [of the Risale-i Nur] to be written by means of our Esteemed Master. in 'Turkish, for those wounded like us. ... Countless and innumerable thanks be to Almighty God, and may He give our Esteemed Master success in the service of the Qur'an and exalt him in this world and the next. Amen! Although I received no education in Arabic nor had ten to fifteen years' medrese education and have only written out the treatises of the Risale-i Nur and studied them seriously, I imagine myself to have studied in a medrese for twenty years. The reason is

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