Biography of Bediüzzaman Said Nursi | PART TWO ( THE NEW SAID ) | 301

the treatises On Frugality, For the Sick, and For the Elderly, respectively, Re'fet Bey recalled the following about the writing of the Treatise for the Elderly. In the event only the first thirteen `Hopes' were written due to Bediuzzaman and his students being taken into custody by the authorities:
"One day Ustad called us, and saying: `The twenty-sixth Flash is about the elderly. It consists of twenty-six 'Hopes'. The First Hope...', he began to dictate.
"He dictated five or six Hopes, and it stopped at that. Some time passed and certain parts of other treatises were written in the interval. Then one day he called us, and without asking, without saying something like, `Where did we stop, just read out a bit', he continued to dictate from where we had left off." That is to say, it was still fresh in Bediuzzaman's mind as though they had broken off five minutes earlier. Re'fet Bey then went on:
"I used to go to him early, to assist him. One day I was a bit late. When I arrived. he said to me, `Brother! If only you had come a bit earlier, what I have just told this person (indicating the Kadi Zeynel Efendi beside him) would have made an excellent addendum to the treatise on Divine Determining.' He had answered the Kadi’s questions about Divine Determining and taught him on the subject of Fate. We understood from all this that his works were born in his heart through Divine inspiration. And he would write at that time only.”

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