Biography of Bediüzzaman Said Nursi | PART TWO ( THE NEW SAID ) | 312

been written years before while he was a member of the Darü'I-Hikmeti'I-Islamiye, and he had suppressed them when the new laws were passed, which they might be seen as opposing. Only one copy had been sent to someone by mistake. Furthermore, the fact that he had chosen to remain for nine years in a remote village proved Bediuzzaman's desire to remain removed from all involvement in social and political matters. In fact he said, it was his not applying to the Isparta authorities to be released or transferred elsewhere that had "wounded their pride", so that they had caused the affair to erupt by alarming Ankara. He told the Court:
"All my friends who are in touch with me know that it isn't being involved in politics or attempting anything political, even thinking about it is contrary to my basic aim, my mental state, and my sacred duties towards belief. Light (nur) has been given me; the club of politics has not been given me..."
So too there was absolutely no evidence to support the charge of disturbing public security by exciting religious emotions. On the contrary , as Bediuzzaman pointed out, the Risale-i Nur upheld security:
"The Risale-i Nur, which consists of the sciences of belief, establishes and ensures public security and peace. Yes, belief, the source of good characteristics and fine qualities, certainly doesn't disturb public order; it ensures it. It is unbelief that disturbs it, because of its bad character."
Also, not one of Bediuzzaman's students, or anyone who read the Risale-i Nur had been involved in any of the disturbances which had been given a religious colouring and had occurred since the `Reforms' had been first enacted. In another part of his defence, Bediuzzaman said: "Those who receive instruction from the Risale-i Nur certainly do not get involved in any public disturbances, which are the, use of the blood of innocents being spilt and their rights being violated... Furthermore, Bediuzzaman pointed out that if Article 163 was applicable to them, it was applicable also to the

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