The Rays | The Third Ray | 55

O Maker of all things, and their Owner;

O Giver of want to all things, and Giver of plenty;

O Originator of all things, and their Renewer;

O Causer of all things, Who determines them with due measure;

O Nurturer of all things, and their Administrator;

O You Who ‘rolls up’ all things, and causes their constant change;

O Giver of life to all things, and Dealer of death.

Glory be unto You! There is no god but You! Mercy! Mercy! Deliver us from Hell-fire!

This sample shows that the Noble Messenger’s (Peace and blessings be upon him) knowledge of God, and his proofs of Divine unity were at such a level that no one is equal to him, and that in this field he is the supreme leader. By following him, everyone may enter that treasury. It is clear that knowledge, sciences, and arts are perfected through the conjunction of ideas and blending of minds; through ideas being combined and different works complementing each other, the works are perfected. This is why the craftsman who invented the shishhane rifle was more skilful than the one who invented the machine gun now. Whereas one who listens attentively with the ear of the heart to the supplication of Jawshan al-Kabir, imagining himself to be in the presence of the Unlettered Prophet (PBUH) and hearing it from him, will understand and see that those thousand and one sacred truths, which comprise a thousand and one proofs and descriptions, and each of which is the conclusion of a chain of thought and a window opening onto Divine unity, were composed by one unlettered (PBUH) among an illiterate people in an illiterate environment, and a nation lacking a holy scripture in totally original, inventive fashion imitating no one, solving on his own through illumination the riddle of creation and talisman of the universe. This was not in imitative fashion like today with the help and supplications of thousands of other luminaries, but out of his boundless compassion and infinite clemency —due to which he invites to listen both the inhabitants of the heavens under the celestial dome and the vast congregation in the huge mosque of the universe— he seeks help, succour, mercy, and salvation for men, and he says:

O You Who in the heavens is His grandeur;

O You Who in the earth are His signs;

O You Who in all things are His evidences;

O You Who in the ocean are His strange wonders;

No Voice