The Rays | The Sixth Ray | 133

meanings are, or may be, conceived of. Through such a conception, their value and light are enhanced and expanded.

For example, instead of giving the greeting of “peace” that night to Almighty God, the Noble Messenger (Peace and blessings be upon him) said: “Salutations to God” (al-tahiyyatu lillah). That is, “O my Sustainer! All the vital glorifications living beings display through their lives and the gifts they present to their Maker through the manner of their creation are Yours alone. By visualizing them and through my belief, I too offer them to You.”

Yes, with the word “salutations,” God’s Most Noble Messenger (PBUH) intentionally offered to God all the worship living creatures perform through the mode of their creation. Similarly, through the word “blessings,” (al-mubarakat) which is the summary of “salutations,” he was representing the natural blessedness, plenty, and worship of creatures, especially seeds, grains, and eggs, which are the means of blessings and abundance, and cause one to exclaim: “How great are God’s blessings!” For they are the essence of life and living beings. He said it with this broad meaning.

Through the word “benedictions” (al-salawat), which is a summary of “blessings,” he was visualizing all the particular forms of worship performed by beings with spirits, who are the essence of living beings, and offering it to the Divine Court with that comprehensive meaning.

With the word “good things,” (wa’l-tayyibat) the summary of “benedictions,” he intended the luminous, elevated worship of perfected human beings and the cherubim, who are the summaries of beings with spirits, and offered this to the One he worshipped.

Almighty God saying that night: “Peace be upon you, O Prophet!”, was an indication and indirect command that in the future, hundreds of millions of people would say at least ten times daily: “Peace be upon you, O Prophet!” The Divine greeting afforded the words an extensive light and lofty meaning.

Similarly, the Noble Messenger (Peace and blessings be upon him) replying to the greeting by saying: “Peace be upon us and upon all God’s righteous servants” expressed that he was requesting his

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