The Rays | The Eleventh Ray | 264

The Seventh Topic

[The fruit of a Friday in Denizli Prison]

In the Name of God, the Merciful, the Compassionate.

The command of the Hour [of resurrection] will be like the glance of an eye, or briefer.9 * The creation of you all and the resurrection of you all is but like that of a single soul.10 * So look to the signs of God’s mercy, how He gives life to the earth after its death; He it is Who will raise the dead to life, and He is Powerful over all things.11

The prisoners in Denizli Prison who were able to have contact with me, read the lesson in the Sixth Topic I had at one time given in the tongues of the sciences to the high school pupils in Kastamonu, who had asked me: “Tell us about our Creator,” and having acquired a firm belief, they felt a longing for the hereafter. They requested of me: “Teach us also about the hereafter so that we won’t be led astray by our souls and the satans of these times, and they will not again be the cause of our being sent to prison.” So in the face of this request of the Risale-i Nur students in Denizli Prison and the readers of the Sixth Topic, need arose for an explanatory summary of the pillar of belief in the hereafter, as well, and I offered them a brief summary of various passages from the Risale-i Nur.

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