The Rays | The Eleventh Ray | 284

It says to the children: “Give up messing around; there is Paradise to be won!”, and teaches them self-control through instruction in the Qur’an.

It says to the youth: “There is Hell-fire; give up your drunkenness!”, and brings them to their senses.

It says to the oppressor: “There is severe torment; you will receive a blow!”, and makes them bow to justice.

It says to the elderly: “Awaiting you is everlasting happiness in the hereafter far greater than all the happiness you have lost here, and immortal youth; try to win them!” It turns their tears into laughter.

It shows its favourable effects in every group, particular and universal, and illuminates them. The sociologists and moralists, who are concerned with the social life of mankind, should take special note. If the rest of the thousands of benefits and advantages of belief in the hereafter are compared with the five or six we have alluded to, it will be understood that it is only belief that is the means of happiness in this world and the next, and in the lives of both.

Deeming sufficient the powerful replies to the frail doubts concerning bodily resurrection described in the Twenty-Eighth Word of the Risale-i Nur and in others of its treatises, we merely make the following brief indication:

The most comprehensive mirror of the Divine Names lies in corporeality. The richest and most active centre of the Divine aims in the creation of the universe lies in corporeality. The greatest variety of the multifarious dominical bounties lies in corporeality. The greatest multiplicity of the seeds of the supplications and thanks man offers to his Creator through the tongues of his needs again lies in corporeality. And the greatest diversity of the seeds of the non-physical and spirit worlds also lies in corporeality.

By analogy with this, since hundreds of universal truths are centred in corporeality, in order to multiply corporeality and make it manifest the above truths on the face of the earth, with awesome activity and speed, the All-Wise Creator clothes the successive caravans of beings in existence and sends them to that exhibition. Then he discharges them and sends others in their place, constantly

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