The Rays | The Eleventh Ray | 323

veil to your duties, so my servants’ complaints will be directed at them and not at you.”

Azra’il’s duty is a veil in exactly the same way that the above are veils, so that unjustified complaints are not directed at Almighty God. For not everyone can see the aspects of wisdom, mercy, beauty, and advantage in death; they see its apparent face and start to object and complain. Azra’il was made a veil so that these unjustified complaints are not directed at the Absolutely Compassionate One. In exactly the same way, the function of all the angels, indeed of all apparent causes, is to be veils to the dignity of dominicality, so that the dignity and holiness of Divine power and comprehensiveness of Divine mercy are preserved in things the beauty of which is not apparent and the wisdom of which is not understood; and they are not the target of objections, and so that in the superficial view Divine power does not appear to be in contact with base, trivial, or cruel things. For the Risale-i Nur has proved definitively with innumerable evidences that the stamps of Divine unity on all things show clearly that no cause has an actual effect or the ability to create. Creation and the giving of existence are particular to Him. Causes are merely a veil. Conscious beings like angels can do nothing other than a sort of voluntary duty in accordance with their natures and active worship which is called ‘acquisition,’ and is insignificant and not creative.

Yes, dignity and grandeur demand that in the view of the mind causes are veils to the hand of power. While unity and oneness demand that causes abstain from having any real effect.

Just as angels and the apparent causes employed in good works pertaining to existence are all means of exonerating dominical power of fault and tyranny in things the beauties of which are not known or seen, and of hallowing it and preserving it from the ascription of fault; so too, satans from among jinn and men and harmful matters being employed in evil matters pertaining to non-existence is to hallow and glorify God by saving Divine power from being the target of complaint and wrongful accusations of cruelty. It is to exonerate Him and declare Him free of all the faults in the universe. For all faults arise from non-

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