The Rays | The Eleventh Ray | 339

 you on this great festival of yours, and offering our congratulations for Ramadan and the Night of Power, the third festival, we beseech Almighty God we shall see many more, and imploring forgiveness for our faults and the faulty among us, we send the greetings of all here and kiss your blessed hands, and beseech your prayers, o our Master!

The Risale-i Nur students

in Isparta and its environs

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To modestly reject this letter, which is a hundred times greater than my due, would be ingratitude and an insult to the favourable opinions of all the students, while to accept it exactly as it is would tell of pride, egotism, and conceit. Therefore, adding thirteen sections, I am sending you a copy of this long letter written by the Risale-i Nur’s scribe in everyone’s name, both by way of thanks and to be saved from pride and ingratitude. It may be added at the end of the Eleventh Topic with the title: ‘A letter from the Risale-i Nur students of Isparta and its environs.’ Although I have amended the letter in this way, twice a pigeon alighted at my window. It was going to enter, but saw Ceylan’s head and did not. Several minutes later, another alighted in exactly the same way. It too saw the scribe’s head and did not come inside. I said: “Most probably these are bearers of good news like the sparrow and ‘kuddüs’ bird before. Or because we have written this letter like numerous other secret letters, they came to congratulate us on amending the auspicious letter in this way.”

S a i d N u r s i

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