The Rays | The Twelfth Ray | 358

revolutionary societies, or the negative Turkists; so why have you interfered with the readers of a work of truth and reality like the Risale-i Nur, a true commentary on the Qur’an, and its students, who have no connection with politics whatsoever and have taken the highway of the Qur’an and belief solely to save themselves and their fellow-countrymen from eternal annihilation and solitary confinement? And why have you called the friendship and brotherhood of those sincerely religious people which looks only to the hereafter, a political society? You have convicted them under a bizarre law, and that is what you wanted.” We ask you the same thing. Our enemies, the atheists and dissemblers, deceive you, confuse the judiciary, and busy the Government with us in a way detrimental to the country and people; by calling absolute despotism “the Republic,” and making absolute apostasy part of the regime, and calling absolute vice “civilization,” and attaching the name of “the law” to arbitrary force and compulsion on account of disbelief, they both preoccupy the Government, and have scattered us, thus dealing blows on account of Europeans at the supremacy of Islam and the country and people.

Sirs! As is indicated by the four severe earthquakes in four years coinciding exactly with the severe aggression against the Risale-i Nur students and their being persecuted, and on each occasion their occurring exactly at the time the students were attacked and their stopping when the attacks ceased, you are responsible for the heavenly and earthly disasters that have occurred on our being convicted...!

S a i d N u r s i

who is being held in total isolation

and solitary confinement in Denizli Prison

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No Voice