The Rays | The Twelfth Ray | 364

This then is the true reason for our having strenuously avoided politics and interfering in government, and for our aversion towards it. For the power of truth we have at our disposal is such that we could have defended our rights completely. But since everything is transitory and passing, and death does not die, and the door of the grave does not close, and if one suffers hardship, it is transformed into mercy; we shall surely place our trust in God in patience and gratitude, and be silent. To forcibly and harmfully break our silence is totally opposed and contrary to justice, fairness, and patriotic zeal and endeavour.

To Conclude: The members of the Government, the politicians, the administrators, the police, and the judiciary have nothing at all over which to struggle with us. At the most, through the bigotry of absolute unbelief, which no government in the world can defend and no one in their senses likes, and the bigotry of atheism, which arises from materialism and is a fearsome plague afflicting humanity, and through their evil, certain covert atheists deceive a number of government officials, excite their suspicions, and incite them against us. And we say: if they incited not a few suspicious people like that but the whole world against us, through the strength of the Qur’an and Divine grace, we would not flee; we would not lay down our arms before that apostasizing absolute disbelief and that atheism!

S a i d N u r s i

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