The Rays | The Thirteenth Ray | 372

 example, for the verse, And in the night glorify God11 they mention an important sunna, the two rak‘as of the tahajjud prayer, and for the verse the flight of the stars12 the early morning Fajr sunna, which is a confirmed Practice of the Prophet (PBUH). And there are numerous other constituents of the former meaning. My brother! Speaking with you does not cease.

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My Dear, Loyal Brothers!

I have just performed the noon prayer and it occurred to me when I was reciting the tesbihat that you were all probably sad at thinking of yourselves and your relations at home. It suddenly came to mind that if those of former times who chose the hereafter over this world and passed their lives mortifying the flesh in caves and other places of ordeal with the intention of being saved from the sins of society and of working sincerely for the hereafter, had lived now, they would have been Risale-i Nur students. Certainly, those living under the conditions of these times are ten times more needy than they were and gain ten times more merit, and are ten times more comfortable.

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My Dear, Blessed Brothers!

Very many greetings... In former times in my native region, we used to recite Sura al-Ikhlas a thousand times on the Day of ‘Arafa.13 Now, I am able to recite five hundred on the day before, and five hundred on the Day of ‘Arafa. Those who are confident may

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