The Rays | The Thirteenth Ray | 391

My Dear, Loyal Brothers!

For sure I can’t meet with you in person, but I am happy and thankful that I am close to you in the same building. It came to me involuntarily that some necessary precautions should be taken. One of these: a prisoner was sent to the ward next to mine by the Masons who is both a liar and a spy. Since destruction is easy, especially among idle youths such as those, I knew from the scoundrel’s excessive harassment of me and his corrupting the youths, that atheism is attempting to corrupt their morals in the face of our guiding and reforming them. Extreme caution is necessary in this situation, and it is absolutely essential as far as is possible not to be offended by the old prisoners nor to offend them and not to allow any disagreements, and to keep cool and put up with things, and as far as is possible for our brothers to strengthen their brotherhood and solidarity through humility and modesty and giving up egotism. It pains me to concern myself with worldly matters, so having confidence in your perceptiveness, I do not consider them so long as it is not essential.

S a i d N u r s i

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My Brothers!

Against all eventualities, I have to explain a matter that was imparted to me this morning. Asking: “I wonder what atheist philosophers can say to this, and with what will they support themselves?”, for twenty years my soul and my satan have investigated whether or not the truths we have taken from the Qur’an leave any room for doubt or hesitation, and if they are as clear as daylight. They could find no fault in any nook or cranny, and fell silent. I reckon that a truth which silences my soul and devil, which are extremely sensitive and involved in the matter, will silence also even the most obdurate of them. Since we are working for the sake of and on the way of a truth which is thus unshakeable, elevated, vast, and important, and is of inestimable value, and if the whole world and a person’s life was given as its price, it would still be cheap; we should certainly respond with complete steadfastness to all the tribulations, distress, and enemies. They have also confronted us with a number of deceived or hoodwinked hojas, shaykhs, and

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