The Rays | The Fourteenth Ray | 430

knowingly or unknowingly the great majority of those who try to hamper the Risale-i Nur are betraying the country and nation and dominance of Islam on account of anarchy. The great good and benefit for this country of the one hundred and thirty treatises of the Risale-i Nur cannot be refuted by the imaginary harms of two or three of its parts, which are fancied to be harmful in the superficial view of the deluded heedless. Anyone who refutes the former with the latter is an exceedingly unfair and tyrannical.

As for my own unimportant personal faults, I am unwillingly obliged to say, this: I am someone who has lived alone and in solitude in an exile resembling solitary confinement. During that time I have not gone once of my own will to the market and well-attended mosques. Despite suffering much persecution and distress, I have not once applied to the Government for my own comfort, unlike all my fellow exiles. In twenty years have not read a single newspaper, nor listened to one, nor been curious about one. As is testified to by all my close friends and those I met with, for a full two years in Kastamonu and seven years in other places I knew nothing of the conflicts and wars in the world, and whether or not peace had been declared, or who else was involved in the fighting, and was not curious about it and did not ask, and for nearly three years did not listen to the radio that was playing close by to me. But I triumphantly confronted with the Risale-i Nur absolute unbelief, which destroys eternal life and transforms the life of this world even into compounded pain and suffering; and with the Risale-i Nur, which issued from the Qur’an, have saved the belief of a hundred thousand such people, as has been attested by them, and for a hundred thousand people have transformed death into discharge papers. Is there any law demanding that such a person is harassed to this degree, and made to despair, and by making him weep to make hundreds of thousands of those innocent brothers of his weep too? What advantage is there in it? Is it not unprecedented tyranny in the name of justice? Is it not an unprecedented miscarriage of justice on account of the law?

If you accuse me like some of the officials who searched my house, saying: “You and one or two of your treatises oppose the regime and our principles...”

T h e A n s w e r , Firstly: These new principles of yours have

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