The Rays | The Fourteenth Ray | 469

should come and read it.” Then they did not permit him either. Only, they told one of my brothers to write it out in the old letters and give it to me. But it would take six or seven days to write out those forty pages. To make the hour’s work of reading me the indictment stretch over six or seven days, just so that no one should have contact with me, is appalling repression and deprives me of my right of defence entirely. A multiple murderer condemned to be hanged does not receive such treatment. I truly suffer extreme distress since I know of no reason for this unprecedented torment. I heard that the Chairman of the Court is fair-minded and kind. I have therefore for the first and last time written this petition and complaint.

S a i d N u r s i ,

who is ill, wretched, and in total isolation.


The Indictment contains four basic points concerning me

First Point: I consider myself to be a regenerator of religion, as though I was proud and self-seeking.

I reject this with all my strength. Moreover, all my brothers will testify that I have never accepted anyone’s suggestion that I was the Mahdi. In fact, when the experts’ committee of Denizli Court said “If Said was to declare himself Mahdi, all his students would accept it,” Said stated in his objections, saying: “I am not a Sayyid, and the Mahdi will be a Sayyid,” thus refuting them.

Second Point: Publishing things secretly.

Our covert enemies should not misconstrue things, for there is nothing that touches on politics and public order. Also, they should not make the duplicating machine and the old letters a pretext. Six courts of law and various departments of government in Ankara understood the blow dealt by the Risale-i Nur19 at Mustafa Kemal,

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