The Rays | The Fourteenth Ray | 480

the complete corruption of human civilization and the life of society— that the Risale-i Nur students can be called a political society, which is an indictable offence. For this reason, true students of the Risale-i Nur proclaim openly their sacred attachment to the truths of the Qur’an and their unshakeable bonds of brotherhood which look to the hereafter. Because they are happy to accept any penalty they may receive because of that brotherhood, they admit in your just court the truth as it is. They do not stoop to defend themselves with lies, sycophancy, and cunning.


S a i d N u r s i


An Addendum to the Addition to My Written Objections to the Indictment Presented to Afyon Court

Firstly: I tell the court that since the new indictment is based on the old indictments of Denizli and Eskishehir Courts, and on the superficial investigations of the superficial ‘committees of experts,’ who were opposed to us, I claim in your court that if I cannot prove one hundred errors in this indictment, I shall be happy with a hundred-year sentence. Now I have proved my case; if you wish I can present you with the table of more than a hundred errors.

Secondly: When during the Denizli trial, our books and papers had been sent to Ankara and I was full of anxiety and despair that the judgement would be given against us, I wrote to my friends the following piece, which has been added to the end of some of my defence speeches: “If the officers of the law who are studying the Risale-i Nur with the idea of criticizing it strengthen or save their belief through it, bear witness that I forgive them. For we are here to serve. The Risale-i Nur’s function is to strengthen and save belief. We are charged with serving belief without differentiating between friend and foe, and without taking sides.”

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