The Rays | The Fourteenth Ray | 552

of the Risale-i Nur are performing your duty outside and their conquests do not cease; and since each fleeting hour passed here is the equivalent of eternal hours passed in worship; surely, because of these points, we should joyfully offer thanks for this affair in perfect patience and with fortitude. I am going to repeat exactly to you all the short letters I wrote as consolation in Denizli Prison. God willing, those apposite notes will comfort you too.


My Dear, Loyal Brothers!

Firstly: I offer Almighty God endless thanks that heroes have emerged from among the Muftis, preachers, imams, and hojas, for it is they who in fact should lay claim to the Risale-i Nur. Up to now, it has been the youth, those educated in the secular schools, and their teachers who have been devoted to the Risale-i Nur. Now, thanks be to God, Ethem, the Ibrahim’s and Ali Osman’s have cleared the names of the students and teachers of the religious schools, and transformed their timidity into courage.

Secondly: They should not worry about this incident, which occurred due to their whole-hearted activities and excitement. For in respect of its consequences, Denizli Prison caused those who had acted incautiously to be congratulated. Its difficulties were few and immaterial benefits, numerous. This third School of Joseph will not lag behind the second, God willing.

Thirdly: Since the merit increases proportionately to the hardships, we should offer thanks for these conditions. We should try to perform our duties of serving religious belief with sincerity, which is our duty, and not concern ourselves with being successful or obtaining good results, which is God’s concern. We should say: “The best matters are the most difficult,”65 and patiently offer thanks in the face of our difficulties in this place of trial. We should understand that it is a sign of the acceptability of our actions and a diploma for having passed the examination of our sacred struggle.


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