The Rays | The Fifteenth Ray | 657


A concise indication of the proof in this phrase is as follows:

In every aspect of the universe a unity, a oneness, is apparent. For example, it displays a unity and oneness by being a well set-out city, a magnificent palace, a meaningful, materialized book, and a embodied Qur’an every verse, and even every letter and point of which is miraculous. Similarly, since the palace’s lamp is one and the same, and its calendar-lamp, and fiery cook, and water-bearing sponges, and hundreds of thousands of other things it contains are all one and the same, it proves decisively that the owner, ruler, scribe, and author of the palace, city, book, and mighty embodied Qur’an is existent, one, and single.

THE THIRD PHRASE: ‘He has no partner’

A brief indication of the proof in this is as follows:

The source, master, and basis of The Supreme Sign is the sublime verse:

Say: if there had been [other] gods with Him —as they say— behold, they would certainly have sought out a way to the Lord of the Throne! [to the end of the verse],4

which is also called the Supreme Sign. That is, if God had any partners and others had intervened in creation and interfered in His dominicality, the order of the universe would have been spoilt.” However, the perfect order in everything, small and large, particular and universal, from the wing of the tiniest fly and the cell of the pupil of the eye to the numberless birds which fly through the air and the solar system, furnishes indubitable and decisive evidence for the impossibility and non-existence of any such partners. It also testifies self-evidently to the existence and unity of the Necessarily Existent One.

THE FOURTH PHRASE: ‘His is the dominion’

A concise indication of the lengthy proof contained in this phrase:

No Voice