The Fruits of Belief | The Fruits of Belief | 29

    Also, since our Creator appointed Muhammad the Arabian (Peace and blessings be upon him) as the greatest teacher, best master, and truest guide, who is neither confused nor confuses, and sent him as His last envoy, before anything, in order to progress and advance from the degree of 'knowledge of certainty' to those of 'vision of certainty' and 'absolute certainty,' we should ask this master the question we asked of our Creator. For just as that Being, through his thousand miracles, which were

mark of our Creator's confirmation, and as a miracle of the Qur'an, proved that the Qur'an is true and God's Word; so, through its forty aspects of miraculousness, as a miracle of his, the Qur'an proves that he was true and God's Messenger. The reality of resurrection which they prove -one, the tongue of the Manifest World, claimed it throughout his life, confirmed by all the prophets and saints, and the other, the tongue of the World of the Unseen, claims it with thousands of its verses, confirmed by all the revealed scriptures and truths of the universe,- is as certain as the sun and daylight.

    Yes, a question like resurrection, which is the most strange and awesome matter and beyond the reason, could only be solved through the instruction of two such wondrous masters, and understood.

    The reason the early prophets did not explain resurrection in detail like the Qur'an was that at that time mankind was still at a primitive stage of nomadism. There is little detailed explanation in preliminary instruction.

    And since the angels inform us that they have seen the hereafter and the dwellings of the eternal realm, evidences testifying to the existence and worship of the angels, spirits, and spirit beings, are also indirect evidence for the existence of the hereafter.

    And since after Divine unity the thing Muhammad (Peace and blessings be upon him) most constantly claimed and asserted throughout his life was the hereafter, certainly all his miracles and proofs which point to his messengership and veracity in one way testify indirectly to the existence of the hereafter and that it will come.

    And since one quarter of the Qur'an is about resurrection and the hereafter and it tries to prove it with thousands of its verses, and gives news of it, all the proofs and evidences of the Qur'an's veracity prove indirectly the existence of the hereafter, and its being thrown open.

    Now see how firm and certain is this pillar of belief!

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