Lights of Reality | Lights of Reality | 19

SIXTH PHRASE: "He alone grants life"

The giver of life is He. And it is He who causes life to continue by means of sustenance is again He. It is also He who supplies the necessities of life. And it is to Him that the exalted aims of life pertain, and to Him that its important results look, and His are ninety-nine out of a hundred of its fruits. Thus, this phrase calls out to ephemeral, impotent man in this way, it makes this joyful announcement:

"O man! Do not trouble yourself by taking the heavy responsibilities of life onto your own shoul­ders. Do not think of the transience of life and start grieving. Do not see only its worldly and unimpor­tant fruits and regret that you came to this world. Rather, the life-machine in the ship of your being belongs to the Ever-Living and Self-Subsistent One, and it is He Who provides for all its expenses and requirements. Also, your life has a great many aims and results and they pertain to Him, too.

"As for you, you are just a helmsman on the ship, so do your duty well and take the wage and pleasure that come with it. Think just how precious is the life-ship and how valuable its benefits; then think just how Generous and Merciful is the Owner of the ship. So, rejoice and give thanks and know that when you perform your duty with integrity, all the results the ship produces will in one respect be trans­ferred to the register of your actions, that they will secure an immortal life for you, will endow you with eternal life."

SEVENTH PHRASE: "And deals death"

The one who causes death is He. He discharges you from the duty of life, changes your abode from this transitory world, and releases you from the labour of service. That is, He takes you from a tran­sient life to an immortal one. This phrase, then, shouts out the following to ephemeral jinn and man:

"Here is good news for you! Death is not destruc­tion, or nothingness, or annihilation; it is not cessa­tion, or extinction; it is not eternal separation, or non-existence, or a chance event; it is not authorless obliteration. Rather, it is to be discharged by the Author who is All-Wise and All-Compassionate; it is a change of abode. It is to be despatched to eternal bliss, to your true home. It is the door of union to the Intermediate Realm, which is where you will meet with ninety-nine per cent of your friends."

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