Lights of Reality | Lights of Reality | 23

A Letter about the Risale-i Nur and its Way

In His Name, be He glorified! 

Peace be upon you and God's mercy and bless­ings, for ever and ever!

My Dear, Loyal Brothers!

It occurred to me that I should explainfour matters to you.

The First: This is the answer to a question that has been asked both explicitly and implicitly and in other ways. It is asked: "Why is it that although the Risale-i Nur is both the source of miraculous blessings, and promotes the unfolding of the truths of belief rather advancement in the Sufi ways, and its faithful students are in some respects at the level of sainthood (veldyet), why don't they experience the spiritual "tasting" and illuminations of the saints or manifest physical wonders? Also, why don't its students seek such things?

The Answer: Firstly: The reason for this is the mystery of sincerity. For with people who have not entirely conquered their instinctual souls, tempo­rary illuminations and wonder-working in this world become a goal for them and a reason for their actions that look to the hereafter; sincerity is spoiled. For worldly aims and pleasures should not be sought through actions that pertain to the hereafter. If they are sought, it spoils the mystery of sincerity.

Secondly: Wonders and illuminations are for strengthening some weak people who embark on the spiritual journeying of the Sufi way but whose belief is merely imitative (taldidi) and ordinary, and not certain and confirmatory (tahkilci), and to persuade people suffering from doubts and scruples. How­ever, the arguments for the truths of belief offered by the Risale-i Nur in no way permit doubts and leave no need for wonder-working and illuminations to induce certainty. The certain, confirmatory belief that it imparts is so superior to illuminations, direct visions, and wonders, that its true students do not seek such things.

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