Lights of Reality | Lights of Reality | 27

from The Twenty-Ninth Letter The Nine Allusions

About Sufism

[This section is about the paths of sainthood (turuk-u veldyet), and consists of nine Allusions.]

In the Name of God, the Mercifid, the Compas­sionate.

Behold! Verily on the friends of God there is no fear, nor sliall they grieve)


Underlying the terms Sufism, path, sainthood, and spiritual journeying is an agreeable, luminous, joyful, and spiritual sacred truth. This truth has been proclaimed, taught, and described in thousands of books written by authori­tative scholars (muliakkikin) among the people of illumination (zevk) and unveiling (kesf), who have told the Muslim community and us about it. May God reward them abundantly! Now, because of some compelling circumstances at this time, we shall point out a few droplets, like sprinklings, from that vast ocean.

Question? What is the Sufi path?

The Answer: The aim and goal of the Sufi path is - knowledge of God and the unfolding of the truths of faith - through a spiritual journeying with the feet of the heart under the shadow of the Ascen­sion of Muhammad (PBUH), to manifest the truths of faith and the Qur'an through 'tasting' (zevkt) and certain enhanced states (lialt), and to an extent through direct vision (suhudi); it is an elevated human mystery and perfection called the Sufi path orSufism.

Yes, since man is a comprehensive index of the universe, his heart resembles a map of thousands of worlds. For innumerable human sciences and fields of knowledge show that man's brain in his head is a sort of centre of the universe, like a telephone and telegraph exchange for innumerable lines. Similarly, the millions of light-scattering books written by incalculable saints show man's heart in his essential being to be the place of manifestation of innumera­ble cosmic truths, and to be their pivot, and seed.
Qur'ân, 10:62.

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