Lights of Reality | Lights of Reality | 52

The First: There is a king. Through his name of Just Judge he has a Ministry of Justice that shows the manifestation of that name. Another of his names is Khalifa, and the Shaykh al-Islam's Office and learned institution are the manifestations of that name. He has also the name of Commander-in-Chief, through which all the offices of the army perform their actions; the army is the manifestation of that name. Now, if someone were to appear and say: "The king is only the Just Judge, he has no office or ministry other than that of justice," then the attributes and states of the religious scholars in the Shaykh al-Islam's Office would have to be applied -not actually but theoretically - to the officials of the Ministry of Justice; a secondary, shadowy Shaykh al-Islam's Office would have an'imaginary exis­tence within the actual Ministry of Justice. Again in hypothetical fashion, the dealings and states of the Army Office would be ascribed to the officials of the Judiciary, an unreal Army Office would be ima­gined there, and so on. In this situation, the king's true name is the name of Just Judge and his true sov­ereignty is his sovereignty in the Ministry of Justice. His names like Khalifa, Commander-in-Chief, and Sultan are not actual, but hypothetical. However, the nature of kingship and reality of sovereignty demand all the names in actuality. And actual names require and necessitate actual offices.

Thus, the sovereignty of divinity necessitates in actuality numerous sacred names like All-Merciful, Provider, Bestovver, Creator, Doer, Munificent, and Compassionate. And those true and actual names require actual mirrors. Now, since the followers of the Unity of Existence say: "There is no existent but He," they downgrade the reality of beings to the level of imagination. Almighty God's names of Nec­essary Existent, Existent, One, and Single have true manifestations and spheres of application. For sure, if their mirrors and spheres of application were not real and were imaginary and non-existent, it would not harm them. And perhaps if there were no colour of existence in the mirror of true existence, they would be purer and more brilliant, but the manifesta­tions of such names as Merciful, Provider, Subduer, Compeller, and Creator would not be real, they would be hypothetical. However, those names are realities like the name of Existent, they cannot be shadows; they are essential, not secondary.

Thus, the Companions and great interpreters of the law and Imams of the Prophet's Family said: "The reality of things is constant;" Almighty God has a manifestation through all His names in actual­ity. Through His creativity, all things have an acci­dental existence. In relation to the Necessary Exis-tent's existence their existence is an extremely weak, unstable shadow, but it is not imagination, it is not fancy. Almighty God gives existence through His name of Creator and He continues that existence.

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