Lights of Reality | Lights of Reality | 58

Each thing in the world ascribes every other thing to its own Creator. And each artistically fashioned object in this world demonstrates that all such objects are the works of its own fashioner. And each creative act in the universe proves that all creative acts are the acts .of its own author. And each name that is manifested in beings indicates that all names are the names and titles of the one whom it itself sig­nifies. That is to say, each thing is a direct proof of divine unity and a window yielding knowledge of God.

Each object, especially if it is animate, is a minia­ture specimen of the universe, a seed of the world, and a fruit of the globe of the earth. Since this is so, the one who created the miniature specimen, seed and fruit must also be the one who created the uni­verse. For the creator of the fruit cannot be other than the creator of the tree that bears it.

And so, in the same way that each object ascribes all other objects to its own fashioner, each act ascribes all other acts to its author. For we see that each creative act appears as the tip of a law of crea­tivity that is so extensive as to encompass most other creatures, and so long as to reach from parti­cles to galaxies. That is to say, whoever performs the creative act must be the author of all the creative acts which are tied to the universal law that encom­passes those beings and stretches from particles to galaxies.

For sure, the one who gives life to a fly must be the one who creates all insects and animals and who gives life to the earth. And whoever spins particles as though they were Mevlevi dervishes must be the one who sets successive beings in motion as far as the sun travelling through the skies with its planets. For the law is a chain and the creative acts are tied to it.

That is to say, just as each object ascribes all other objects to its fashioner, and each creative act attributes all acts to its author, in exactly the same way, each divine name manifested in the universe ascribes all names to the One Whom it itself describes and proves that they are His titles. For the names manifested in the universe are like intersect­ing circles, blending with one another like the seven colours in light; they assist one another and perfect and adorn one another's works of art.

For example, the instant the name of Giver of Life is manifested on a thing and life is given, the name of All-Wise also becomes manifest; it orders the body which is that animate creature's dwelling-place with wisdom. At the same time, the name of Munifi­cent is manifested; it adorns the creature's dwelling-place. So too, the manifestation of the name of All-Compassionate appears; it presents the body's needs with tenderness. At the same instant, the manifesta­tion of the name of Provider appears; it supplies the material and spiritual sustenance necessary for the continued existence of the animate creature in unex­pected ways. And so on. That means to whomever the name of Giver of Life belongs, the name of All-Wise, which is luminous and comprehensive in the universe, is also His. The name of All-Compassion­ate, which nurtures all creatures with tenderness, is also His. And the name of Provider, which sustains all animate creatures with munificence, is His name and title. And so on.

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