The Tongues of Reality | The Tongues of Reality | 13
And since every cell and corpuscle is under His command and within His grasp, and since they are in motion according to His laws, for sure, the particles from which they are formed and which are like shuttles weaving the embroideries of art which clothe them, are also necessarily within the grasp of His power and the sphere of His knowledge. For they are in motion in orderly fashion faultlessly performing duties at His command, with His permission, and through His power.
And since this is so, the identifying features and distinguishing marks to be found on everyone, all the differences in faces, voices and languages, of necessity also occur through His knowledge and wisdom.
So now look again at the verse which mentions and indicates the beginning and end of this chain:
And among His signs is the creation of the heavens and the earth, and the variations in your languages and your colours: indeed, in that are signs for those who know.
Therefore, we say now: O representative of the unbelievers! You can see, these arguments as strong as the chains of the universe prove the path of affirming Divine Unity. And they demonstrate a Possessor of Absolute Power. Since the creation of the heavens and the earth demonstrates an All-Powerful Maker, and the infinite power of that All-Powerful Maker, and that that infinite power is at the point of infinite perfection, there is, therefore, an absolute lack of need for partners. That is to say, He in no way needs any associates.
So, since He has no need, why do you take that dark path? Why is it you feel constrained to take it? Moreover, since both He, and beings, are in absolutely no need of partners, just as it is impossible for there to be any partners in His Divinity, so also is it impossible for there to be any in His creation and sustaining of beings. Their existence is impossible. The reason for this is as follows:
We proved that the power of the Maker of the heavens and the earth is both infinite and at the point of infinite perfection. If there was any partner, it would mean that, although His power is infinite, another finite power would threaten and overcome that infinite and perfect power and would take possession of a certain area. It would then be necessary, without there being any compulsion, for something finite to make something infinite finite and limited, and for itself to become infinite for a time. This is a manifold and most irrational impossibility.
Also, since there is no need for partners, and, since their existence is impossible, to claim otherwise is purely arbitrary. That is, since there is no cause that could induce such a claim, rationally or logically, it would be meaningless. According to the science of jurisprudence, such a claim is designated 'arbitrary'. That is, it is a meaningless 'abstract claim'.
A principle of the sciences of theology and jurisprudence is this, that a probability not originating from an indication or a sign has no importance; it cannot induce doubt in a matter that is definite. It cannot shake the certainty that is based on sound judgement.
For example, it is possible that Barla or E¤ridir Lake consists of grape-molasses or that it has been transformed into oil. But since that possibility does not originate from any indication, it does not affect our certain knowledge, or induce doubt in the fact that it consists of water.
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