The Tongues of Reality | The Tongues of Reality | 20
A Question: You say: "You make much use of analogies in the form of comparisons or parables in the Words. Whereas according to the science of logic, this form of analogy does not afford certainty. A logical proof is required for matters of certain knowledge. Analogy in the form of comparison and parable is utilised by scholars of canon law in matters in which the prevailing opinion is sufficient. Also, you present comparisons in the form of certain stories; the stories are imaginary and cannot be true. Is this not contrary to reality?"
The Answer: It has often been stated in the science of logic that analogies in the form of comparisons and parable do not afford certain knowledge. However, there is a certain type of this form of analogy that forms a more powerful proof than those proofs consisting of certain knowledge used in logic. Also, it is more certain than that sort of deduction. This type of analogy is as follows.
It demonstrates the tip of a universal truth by means of a partial comparison and constructs its judgement on that truth. It demonstrates the truth's law in a particular matter, so that that vast truth may be known and particular matters may be ascribed to it.
For example, although the sun is a single being, by means of luminosity it is present in every shining object. A law of a truth is demonstrated by means of this comparison which states that light and luminosity cannot be restricted: for them, distance and proximity are the same, many and few are equal, and space cannot conquer them.
And this is another example: a tree's fruits and leaves are all shaped and formed at the same time, in the same fashion, easily and perfectly, in a single centre and through a law issuing from a command. This is a comparison or parable demonstrating the tip of a mighty truth and universal law. It proves that truth and that truth's law in a truly decisive form, so that, like the tree, the mighty universe, too, displays and is the field of operation of that law of truth and mystery of Divine Oneness.
Thus, the analogies, comparisons, and parables employed in all the Words are in this form and are more powerful and afford more certainty than the categorical proofs of logic.
Answer to the second part of the question: It is a well-known fact that in the art of composition, when the true meaning of a word or phrase is used solely as the means to perceive another meaning, it is called an 'allusive expression'. The essential meaning of a phrase defined as 'allusive' is not the means of either truth or falsehood, rather, it is its allusive meaning that is such. If the allusive meaning is correct then the phrase is true. Even if its essential meaning is false, it does not damage that veracity. If the allusive meaning is not correct while its essential meaning is, then the phrase is false.
For example, "So-and-so's salvation is of great length." That is, "His sword-belt is very long." This phrase alludes to the man's tall stature. If he was tall but did not have a sword and belt, the phrase would still be correct and true. If he was not tall but had a long sword and belt, then the phrase would be false, since it is not its essential meaning that is intended.
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