The Tongues of Reality | The Tongues of Reality | 25
And the perfection of essential functions of a certainty point to the perfection of the functioning essence. And they point to its perfection that is appropriate for the following, that although the light of the perfection passes through the veils of functions, attributes, Names, actions, and works of art, it still demonstrates the goodness, beauty, and perfection to be seen to this great extent in the universe,
Thus, after the existence of this degree of true, essential perfection has been established with cogent proofs what importance remains for relative perfections, which look to other things and which exist only in so far as they gain superiority over their likes and opposites? You may understand, then, just how paltry they become.
Second Proof: When the universe is studied as something from which lessons are to be taken, the conscience and heart may conjecture and perceive the following: the one who has so beautified and adorned the universe with all manner of fine things himself possesses an infinite degree of beauty and perfection so that he might make it thus.
Third Proof: It is a well-known fact that works of art which are well-proportioned, symmetrical, perfect, and beautiful are based on an exceedingly well-drawn-up plan. And a perfectly drawn plan points to a perfectly sound knowledge, fine intellect, and refined faculty of spirit. That is to say, it is the spirit's immaterial beauty which is manifested in art by means of knowledge. Thus, the universe, with its innumerable material fine qualities, is formed of the distillations of immaterial fine qualities pertaining to knowledge. And those immaterial qualities pertaining to knowledge and those perfections are certainly the manifestations of an infinite, eternal loveliness, beauty, and perfection.
Fourth Proof: It is obvious that that which gives light must possess light, and that which illuminates must be luminous, that bounty comes from riches, and kindness proceeds from one who is kind. Since this so, since all this loveliness and beauty is given to the universe and perfection is given to beings, they point to an eternal beauty as light points to the sun.
Beings pass over the face of the earth like a mighty river sparkling with flashes of perfection. In the same way that a river sparkles with manifestations of the sun, the flood of beings also momentarily sparkles with flashes of loveliness, beauty, and perfection, and then is gone. And the beings following after them display the same flashes and sparkling. It may be understood from this that the manifestations and instances of beauty on the flowing bubbles of water are not from themselves, they are rather the manifestations and instances of beauty from the light of a sun. And so too the qualities and perfections which briefly sparkle on this flood of the universe are the flashes of the beauty of an Eternal Sun's Names.
Indeed, the annihilation of the mirrors and the vanishing of beings occurs together with perpetual manifestation and constant effulgence. It is most clear from their appearing that this apparent beauty does not belong to the manifestations, which are rather most eloquent manifestos and most clear proofs for a Transcendent Beauty and Renewed Munificence, and for the Necessarily Existent, the Loving One, the Undying One.
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