The Tongues of Reality | The Tongues of Reality | 33
As for mercy and gentleness, through displaying compassion and bounty, they impel the manifestation of the Names of Compassionate and Bestower.
And compassionateness and bestowal require the qualities of displaying love and becoming known and impel the Names of Loving and Known One to manifest.
The qualities of displaying love and becoming known impel the meanings of favouring and munificence and display them on the veils of those artefacts. They cause the Names of Gracious and Munificent to be recited amongst those veils.
As for the qualities of graciousness and munificence, they impel the acts of adorning and illuminating. They cause the Names of Adorner and Illuminer to be recited by the tongues of the artefacts' beauty and luminosity.
And the qualities of adorning and beautifying require the meanings of craftsmanship and care. They cause the Names of Maker and Bountiful to be recited by the beautiful features of the artefacts.
And as for craftsmanship and care, they require knowledge and wisdom. And they cause the Names of All-Wise and All-Knowing to be recited by their well-ordered, wise, and purposeful members.
And knowledge and wisdom require the acts of ordering, forming, and shaping. They display the Names of Determiner and Giver of Form, causing them to be recited by the artefact in its entirety, through its form.
Thus, the All-Glorious Maker has made all His creatures or artefacts in such a way that He causes most of them, and especially animate beings, to recite numerous Divine Names. It is as if He has dressed each creature in twenty different shirts, one on top of another or has enfolded them in twenty veils. And He has inscribed on each shirt or veil different Names.
For example, as was demonstrated in the comparison, there are many pages in what is only apparent in the creation of a beautiful member of mankind's fair sex or of a beautiful flower. From these two small and particular examples you can draw analogies with other large and universal creatures.
The First Page: It is the state which demonstrates the general shape and proportion. It mentions the Names of O Giver of Form! O Determiner! O Orderer!
The Second Page: This is the plain and unadorned state of the human being and flower in the comparison which occurs with the disclosure of the forms of all the different members of those two creatures. Many Names, like All-Knowing and All-Wise, for example, are written on this page.
The Third Page: Through giving different beauty and adornment to the different members of those two creatures, many Names like Maker and Designer, for example, are written on this page.

The Fourth Page: Such a beauty and adornment are given to those two artefacts it is as though they have become embodied favours and munificence. This page mentions and recites many Names, like, for example, O Gracious One! O Munificent One!

The Fifth Page: Through attaching delicious fruits to the flower and lovable children and a fine character to the beautiful woman, this page recites Names like O Loving One! O Compassionate One! O Bestower of Bounties!

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