Worship And The Prayers | Worship And The Prayers | 27
The Fifth Branch of the
Twenty-Fourth Word

First Fruit
Omy self-worshipping soul! О my world-worshipping friend! Love is the cause of the universe's existence, and what binds it; and it is both its light and its life. Since man is the most comprehensive fruit of the universe, a love to conquer the universe has been included in his heart, the fruit's seed. Thus, only one possessing infinite perfection may be worthy of such an infinite love.
O soul and О friend! Two faculties, through which one may experience fear and love, have been included in man's nature. This love and fear are bound to be turned towards either creatures or Creator. However, fear of creatures is a grievous affliction, while love for them is a calamitous tribulation. For you will fear people who will neither pity you nor accept your pleas for mercy. So fear is a grievous calamity. As for love, the one you love will either not recognize you or will depart without bidding you farewell. Like your youth and property. Or else he will despise you because of your love. Have you not noticed that in ninety-nine out of a hundred
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