Worship And The Prayers | Worship And The Prayers | 34
The Companions' Worship from
The Twenty-Seventh Word

One time, it occurred to me, why could wondrous individuals like Muhyiddin al-'Arabi not attain to the levels of the Companions? Then, while saying, "Glory be to my Sustainer, the Most High" during the prayers, the meaning of the phrase was unfolded to me. Not in its complete meaning, but its reality in part became apparent to me. I said in my heart: "If only I could perform one of the five daily prayers in the same way as this phrase, it would be better than a year's worship." After the prayers I understood that that thought and state was guidance indicating that the Companions' degree in worship could not be reached. In that mighty social revolution brought about by the lights of the Qur'an, while opposites were separated from one another, and evils together with all their darkness, details and all who followed them, and good and perfections together with all their lights and results came face to face — at such an exciting time, all glorifications of God and recitations of His Names expressed all the levels of their meanings freshly and newly and in a young and unfaded fash-
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