The Words | Contents | 13

THE THIRTY-THIRD WORD: Thirty-three Windows making known the Creator. Concise explanations of how the microcosm and macrocosm, that is, man and the universe, point to the existence and unity of God, and His dominical attributes .........683

GLEAMS: Pieces written in "semi-verse" during Ramadan 1337 (1921), which "form a sort of Mathnawi and collection on the subject of belief for the Risale-i Nur Students," and are "a sort of forerunner of the Risale-i Nur, giving the good tidings of its major parts." The work was later added by the Author to The Words Collection........................................................724

Reply to the Anglican Church..................................................................780


Subject Index ......................................................................................782

Index of Heavenly Bodies ..................................................................793

Index of Names and Places ................................................................793

Index of Plants, Animals, Minerals, and Elements .........................796

Index of Divine Names .......................................................................798

About the Risale-i Nur, The Words, and their Author .........................803

No Voice