The Words | ►The Second Station of the Fourteenth Flash | 22

O man! Is it at all possible that the One who gives you this face, and places such a stamp of mercy and seal of oneness on it would leave you to your own devices, attach no importance to you, pay no attention to your actions, make the whole universe, which is turned towards you, futile and pointless, and make the tree of creation rotten and insignificant with decayed fruit? Would He cause His mercy to be denied, although it is as obvious as the sun, as well as His wisdom, which is as clear as daylight, and neither of which can in any way be doubted, nor are in any way deficient? God forbid!

O man! Understand that there is a way to ascend to the throne of divine mercy, and that is, "In the Name of God, the Merciful, the Compassionate." If you want to understand the importance of this ascent, look at the beginning of the one hundred and fourteen Suras of the Qur'an of Miraculous Exposition, and at the beginnings of all estimable books, and at the start of all good works. A clear proof of the God-determined grandeur of "In the Name of God" is that Imam Shafi'i (May God be pleased with him), one of the very foremost Islamic scholars, said: "In the Name of God, the Merciful, the Compassionate is only one verse, yet it was revealed one hundred and fourteen times in the Qur'an."


In the face of the manifestation of divine unity within boundless multiplicity, declaring: "You alone do we worship"3 is not sufficient for everyone; the mind wanders. One's heart would have to be as broad as the globe to observe the Single One behind the unity in the totality of beings, and to say: " You alone do we worship, and from You alone do we seek help!" In consequence, so that the seal of divine oneness should be apparent on all species and realms of beings just as it is shown clearly on individual objects, and that they should call to mind the Single One, it is shown within the stamp of divine mercy. Thus everyone at every level may turn to the Most Pure and Holy One, and saying: "You alone do we worship, and from You alone do we seek help" address Him directly.


3 Qur'an, 1:5

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