The Words | 11. Word | 142

By the sun and its [glorious] splendour; * By the moon as it follows it; * By the day as it shows up [the sun's] glory; * By the night as it conceals it; * By the firmament and its [wonderful] structure; * By the earth and its [wide] expanse; * By the soul and the order and proportion given it; * And its enlightenment to its wrong and its right. * Truly he succeeds that purifies it, * And he fails that corrupts it.4

O God, grant blessings and peace to the Sun of the Skies of Messenger ship, the Moon of the Constellation of Prophethood, and to his Family and Companions, the stars of guidance, and grant mercy to us and to all believing men and all believing women. Amen. Amen. Amen.

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4. Qur'an, 91:1-10.

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