The Words | 13. Word | 151

So see the wealth and riches of the Holy Qur'an in regard to knowledge, wisdom, and knowledge of God, and the poverty and bankruptcy of philosophy regarding learning, instruction, and knowledge of the Maker! See them, and take a lesson!

It is because of this, because the All-Wise Qur'an contains infinite brilliant, elevated truths, that it is free of the fancies of poetry. Another reason the Qur'an of Miraculous Exposition is not in verse, despite the perfection of its word-order and orderedness and its expounding with its well-ordered styles the order and art of the book of the universe, is that by not entering under the restrictions of metre, each star of its verses can be a sort of centre to the most of the other verses, and be a brother to them, and each can form a connecting line with the verses within the sphere encompassing it in order to be a bond in the relationships which exist between them. It is as if each independent verse has an eye which looks to most of the other verses, and a face turned towards them. Thousands of Qur'ans are present within the Qur'an, each of which it offers to followers of the different paths. As is described in the Twenty-Fifth Word, inSura al-Ikhlas is a treasury of knowledge about Divine unity comprising thirty-six Sura al-Ikhlas's, formed of a compound of six phrases, each winged. Indeed, like with the stars in the sky which are apparently without order, each is unrestricted and as a sort of centre extends a line of connection to all the stars in the area surrounding it, indicating a hidden relation between beings. It is as if, like the stars of verses, each single star has an eye which looks to all stars and a face which is turned to them. See then the perfect order within the apparent lack of order, and take a lesson! Understand one meaning of the verse,

We have not instructed [the Prophet] in poetry, nor is it meet for him!4

Understand also from it that the mark of poetry is to adorn insignificant and dull facts with big and shining images and fancies, and make them attractive. Whereas the truths of the Qur'an are so great, elevated, shining and brilliant, that even the greatest and most brilliant imaginings are dull and insignificant in comparison with them. Innumerable truths like the following verses testify to this. For example:

The Day that We roll up the heavens like a scroll rolled up for hooks [completed].5 * He draws the night as a veil over the day, each seeking the other in rapid succession.6 * It will be no more than a single blast, when lo! they will all be brought up before Us!7


4. Qur'an, 36:69.
5. Qur'an, 21:104
6. Qur'an, 7:54.
7. Qur'an, 36:53.

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