The Words | 17. Word - Second Station | 232


[The Table indicating the reality of the world of the people of guidance, those with easy hearts.]

Then the heedlessness passed,                                       - And I saw the light of truth clearly.

Existence became the proof of God;                                      - See, life is the mirror of God.

The mind became the key to treasuries.              - See, transience is the door to permanence.

The spark of perfection died,                                              - But, behold the Sun of Beauty! Separation became true union;                                                    - See, pain is pure pleasure.

Life became pure action;                                                                - See, eternity is pure life.

Darkness became the container of light;                                - See, there is true life in death.

All things became familiar;                                - See, all sounds are the mentioning of God.

All the atoms in existence                           - See, each recites God’s praises and extols Him.

I found poverty to be a treasury of  wealth;                 - See, in impotence is perfect strength.

If you find God,                                                                               - See, all things are yours.

If you are the slave of the Owner of All Things,                           - See, His property is yours.

If you are arrogant and claim to own yourself,     - See, it is trial and tribulation without end;

Experience its boundless torment;                                    - See, it is a calamity most crushing.

If you are a true slave of God,                                    - See, it is a limitless pleasure and ease.

Taste its uncountable rewards,                                           - Experience its infinite happiness...

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