The Words | 17. Word - Second Station | 238


We are the innumerable exquisite fruits that the hand of wisdom of the Beauteous One of Glory has fastened

To the celestial portion of the tree of creation, to all the branches of the Milky Way;


For the inhabitants of the heavens, we are each of us a travelling mosque, a spinning house, a lofty home.

Each is an illumining lamp, a mighty ship, an aeroplane;


We are each of us a miracle of power of the Ail-Powerful One of Perfection, The All-Wise One of Glory;

Each a wonder of His creative art, a rarity of His wisdom, a marvel of His creation, a world of light;


We demonstrated to mankind innumerable proofs, we made them hear with these innumerable tongues of ours;

But their accursed unseeing, unbelieving eyes did not see our faces, they did not hear our words; and we are signs that speak the truth;


Our stamp is one; our seal is one; we are mastered by our Sustainer; We glorify Him through our subjugation;

We recite His Names; we are each of us in ecstasy, a member of the mighty circle of the Milky Way.

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