The Words | 18. Word | 240

Yes, you in my body resemble 'nature' in the world. Both of you were created to receive good and be the thing to which evil is referred. That is to say, you are not the agent and source, but the recipient and passive. You have only an effect, and that is being the cause of evil because you did not accept as you should have done a good arising from absolute good. Also you were both created as veils, so that things that are apparently ugly, whose beauty is not obvious, would be attributed to you, and you would be means of the Most Holy Divine Essence being acknowledged free of defect. But you have taken on a form entirely contrary to the duty of your natures. Although out of your incapacity you have transformed good into evil, you as though act as partners to your Creator. That means one who worships himself and worships nature is extremely foolish and perpetrates a great wrong.

And do not say: "I am a place of manifestation, and one who manifests beauty becomes beautiful." For since you have not assimilated it, you are not a place of manifestation but a place of passage.

And do not say: "Among people I was chosen. These fruits, these fine works, are shown through me. That means I have some merit." No! God forbid! Rather they were given to you first because you are more bankrupt, needy, and sad ihan everyone else!2

■ second point

This point elucidates one meaning of the verse: Who has created everything in the best way,3

and is as follows:

In everything, even the things which appear to be the most ugly, there is an aspect of true beauty. Yes, everything in the universe, every event, is either in itself beautiful, which is called 'essential beauty,' or it is beautiful in regard to its results, which is called 'relative beauty.' There are certain events which are apparently ugly and confused, but beneath that apparent veil, there are most shining instances of beauty and order.

Truly, I was extremely pleased at the New Said silencing his soul to this extent in this dispute, and said, Aiousand bravo's!

3.Qur'an, 32:7.

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