The Words | 20. Word - First Station | 259

How is it that while some unfeeling, lifeless rocks manifest the miracles of His power in such wondrous fashion,8 showing the All-Glorious Creator as the sunlight shows the sun, you are blind before the light of His knowledge, and do not see it?

So see what eloquence has been clothed on these three truths, and note carefully the eloquent guidance. What hardness of heart can withstand without melting the heat of this eloquent guidance?

If you have understood this from the beginning to here, behold one flash of the All-Wise Qur'an's miraculous guidance, and offer thanks to Almighty God!

Glory be unto to You! We have no knowledge save that which You have taught us; indeed, You are All-Knowing, All-Wise,9

O God! Grant us understanding of the mysteries of the Qur'an as You love and is pleasing to You, and grant us success in the service of it. Amen. Through Your Mercy, O Most Merciful of the Merciful!

O God! Grant blessings and peace to the one to whom the All-Wise

Qur'an was revealed, and to all his Family and Companions.


The blessed Nile rises in the Mountains of the Moon, the main stream of the River Tigris in a cave in the district of Miiktis in the province of Van, and the main branch of the Euphrates, in the foothills of a mountain in the region of Diyadin. It is established by science that the origins of mountains are rocks solidified from liquid matter. One of the Prophet(PBUH)'s glorifications, Glory be to the One Who spread out the earth on solidified liquid is decisive evidence that the original creation of the earth was as follows: some liquid matter solidified at the Divine command and became rock. With Divine leave, the rock became earth. The word Earth (arz) in the glorification, means earth (soil). That is to say, the liquid matter was too soft to support anything, and the rock was too hard to be benefited from. Therefore, the All-Wise and Compassionate One spread the earth over the rock and made it •he place of habitation for living beings.
9.Qur'an 2:32

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