The Words | 20. Word - Second Station | 262

Indeed, investigative scholars and the science of rhetoric are in agreement that all the Qur'an's verses contain numerous aspects of guidance and instruction. The verses of the miracles of the Prophets, which are the most brilliant of the Qur'an of Miraculous Exposition's verses, are not therefore mere historical stories, but comprise numerous meanings and sorts of guidance. Yes, in mentioning the Prophets' miracles, it is tracing the final limit of man's science and industry. It is pointing the finger at his furthest aims. It is specifying his final goals. And by striking the hand of encouragement on man's back, it is urging him forward towards them. Just as the past is the store of the seeds of the future and mirror to its attributes, so the future is the arable field of the past and the mirror to its states. Now we shall explain only a few samples of that most extensive source as examples:

For example, the verse:

To Solomon [We made] the wind [obedient]: its early morning [stride] was a month's [journey], and its evening [stride] was a month's [journey]16

which describes one of Solomon's (Peace be upon him) miracles, the subjugating of the air. This says: "Solomon traversed the distance of two months in one day by flying through the air." It is thus suggesting that the road is open for man to cover such a distance in the air. In which case, O man! since the road is open to you, reach this level! And in meaning Almighty God is saying through the tongue of this verse: "O man! I mounted one of my servants on the air because he gave up the desires of his soul. If you too give up laziness, which comes from the soul, and benefit thoroughly from certain of my laws in the cosmos, you too may mount it..."

And the verse,

So We said: "Strike the rock with your staff." Then gushed forth therefrom twelve springs17

which explains a miracle of Moses (Peace be upon him). This verse indicates that the treasuries of mercy concealed under the earth may be profited from with simple tools. Even from places hard as rock, the water of life may be attracted with a staff. Thus, through this meaning the verse says to man: "You may find the subtlest effulgence of mercy, the water of life, with a staff. In which case, come on, work and find it!" And in meaning Almighty

God says through the verse's allusive tongue: "O man! I put in the hand of one of my servants who trusted in Me a staff that draws the water of life from wherever he wishes, if you too rely on the laws of My mercy, you may obtain animplement resembling it or close to it. So, come on and do so!" And one of the most important contributions to man's progress was the creation of an implement that causes water to flow forth from most of the places it is struck. Thisverse traces farther goals and limits, and ends beyond that, just as the previous verse specified final points far ahead of today's aeroplanes.


16.       Qur'an, 34:12.

17.       Qur'an, 2:60.

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